Ad Tech Ecosystem: Doubleverify


What is

Doubleverify is a performance management software provider that supports publishers with leading ad quality and performance measurement solutions.

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To get started with Doubleverify, submit the contact form on the website to get in touch with a representative. Once you enter information about your needs and your business, you can request a demo or customized information about pricing and plans.

Benefits for Publishers

Publishers who use Doubleverify gain access to a wide range of benefits that help them understand and improve the quality of their ad impressions. 

Advanced software provides early issue detection and analyzes ad impression quality while reporting on all the key metrics publishers need to know for strategizing. These metrics include the number of impressions, viewability rate, the number of fraudulent views, and calculations that demonstrate the safety of your overall site. 

Doubleverify’s mission is to improve the entire digital advertising landscape by providing security solutions that benefit everyone in the supply chain. This means that brands and agencies can improve their campaign performance numbers while marketplaces can maximize the quality of ad inventory. 

For publishers, this means that working with the platform demonstrates their commitment to trust and transparency while also optimizing their inventory and increasing their yield. 

Safer ads and ad environments mean better user experiences and more effective ad campaigns. This is demonstrated in yield insights that improve the way publishers optimize and enhance their inventory offerings.


Doubleverify doesn’t have any reviews on G2 or TrustRadius, but its analytics software, Pinnacle, has mixed reviews and 3.7 out of 5-stars on G2.

That being said, some of the most prominent companies, advertisers, platforms, and publishers in the world work with and trust Doubleverify, including Newsweek.

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