Ad Tech Ecosystem: Prebid SharedID

Prebid SharedID

What is
Prebid SharedID?

SharedID is a free-to-use identity platform provided by the popular programmatic advertising solution Prebid. Publishers who use SharedID will gain access to a unique identifier that supports user identification and attribution.

All About
Prebid SharedID


Prebid provides SharedID for publishers free of charge. If you want to use SharedID, you can download it from Prebid and follow the instruction module to begin.

Benefits for Publishers

SharedID is a community-owned and managed solution, meaning it can provide more transparency than a vendor-supplied alternative. This is necessary because trust is a crucial component of any tool designed to be adopted by a large number of publishers and advertisers.

With SharedID, you are in total control of whether or not advertisers can see certain first-party data. Ultimately, this solution helps publishers prepare for an internet without cookies by rendering cookie syncing obsolete. Everything in your stack can use the same ID. Over time, this will result in a smaller identifier footprint across the entire industry.

Prebid SharedID

SharedID doesn’t have profiles on G2 or TrustRadius, and PreBid doesn’t have ratings on any review platforms either. 

That being said, Prebid is trusted by many of the largest companies in the world including The Washinton Post, The Weather Channel, Conde Naste, Magnite, Verizon Media, Business Insider, and BBC.

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