Ad Tech Ecosystem: RiskIQ


What is

RiskIQ is an industry-leading provider of cyber attack surface management services and tools. The solution is provided by Microsoft and supports publishers by identifying and mitigating a wide range of cybersecurity threats.

All About


There are no minimum stated requirements for publishers who want to work with RiskIQ. To get started, anyone can request a demo by submitting contact information and getting in touch with a representative.

Benefits for Publishers

RiskIQ provides a wide range of attack surface management tools as well as a long list of ancillary services that include risk identification tools, unique insights about your vulnerabilities, and strategies for digital security.

RiskIQ data shows that three-quarters of cyber attacks originate outside of a publisher’s firewall, so the solution is designed to streamline attack management across all platforms, including social media and mobile. 

With a unique combination of privacy-safe analytics and data reconnaissance, investigations into attacks can be completed easily and without costly delays. Plus, the solution is known for its user-friendliness and accessibility. This makes it easy for publishers to benefit from its tools as soon as they get started.


RiskIQ has only a handful of reviews on G2, but both are glowing. The company has a 5-star rating, with reviewers noting its user-friendliness and effectiveness.

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