News & Entertainment Site Scales Ad Revenue with Playwire

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30% Increase

Immediately upon switching to Playwire, this publisher saw a 30% increase in total ad revenue.

Flexibility & Support

The level of responsiveness and attention provided by Playwire’s Partner Success team is key to the success of the relationship.

19x Higher

On average, this website sees 19x higher CPMs for Flex Leaderboard units than for traditional display.

The Tech

The simplicity of integration, lightweight code, and technology to support fast ad delivery has supported the massive growth of this website.

“The platform is incredibly simple. Everything just works. And our revenue is higher than with any other solution we’ve tested.

Scaling Up
With Playwire

This publisher has been working with Playwire for about three years. Over the course of the relationship, traffic has grown significantly.
The simplicity of the RAMP® Platform, scalability of the technology, and lightweight technical integration have been essential in ensuring not only that the website maintains pageview CPMs, but continues to increase them even as the site grows.

Integrating Playwire’s code is simple and keeps our page fast and lightweight, something that has been incredibly valuable as we’ve scaled.”

A True

One of the most important parts of the relationship for this publisher is the support they receive from the experts on the Playwire team. From Partner Success to Tech Support and Yield Ops, the team quickly solves problems and helps to ensure ad revenue is always improving.

For their team, the decision to work with Playwire is simple. The revenue the platform drives, and the support behind the platform are unmatched in the industry.

"It is so hard to find a reliable partner in this industry. It is filled with start-ups and plenty of people who will make false promises. Falling victim to such promises usually means sacrificing hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue. For us, Playwire has been the reliable partner we’ve always wanted."

Your Ad Revenue

Accelerate your business and uncomplicate your ad tech stack, because you deserve a partner and a platform that demands more for you.

Get Started