Audience Segments: Entertainment (Movies + TV + Music)
IAB + Custom
Audience Segments
IAB Segments
Horror Movies
Action and Adventure Movies
Comedy Movies
Fantasy Movies
Crime and Mystery Movies
Science Fiction Movies
Romance Movies
Animation Movies
Documentary Movies
Family and Children Movies
IAB Segments
Drama Movies
Indie and Arthouse Movies
World Movies
Music and Audio
- Hip Hop Music
Special Interest TV
Animation TV
- Music TV
IAB Segments
Holiday TV
Children's TV
Factual TV
Comedy TV
Sports TV
Reality TV
Soap Opera TV
Science Fiction TV
Drama TV
Custom Segments
- Anime and Manga
- Science Fiction Movies
- Science Fiction - Star Wars
- Science Fiction - Star Trek
- Fanboy Content
Custom Segments
Music and Video Streaming Services
Entertainment Content
How to Access Playwire's
Audience Segments
All Major DSPs
Playwire’s data is currently available through all major DSPs including, but not limited to, DV360, The Trade Desk, Xandr, and MediaMath.
Google Ad Manager 360
If you utilize Google Ad Manager 360 and have the Audience feature enabled, you can utilize Playwire’s data and audience segments right inside your GAM360 account.
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